Colorado Concrete Garage Floor and Cabinets of The Day
A few couches, tables and flat screen and this Colorado garage would look like a living room. The owners went for a complete system including concrete floor polyurea coating, cabinets and wall systems.
After measuring the room and accounting for inventory we designed the organization system on our CAD design sofware. Notice how the cabinets do not cover the window openings and we accounted for ceiling height, garage door openings and work station.
We brought our polyurea up along the facing concrete edge providing a nice clean look. Our coating process is not only decorative. Our polyurea coating caps off moisture pressure minimizing humidity. When making an investment in your garage, it’s imperative that the coating blocks, caps off moisture vapor. There is a difference between a coating that blocks moisture and one that caps the air holes in concrete.
Coatings that block moisture can demalinate and become brittle. Eventually moisture will come through cracks in your coating. The polyureas we use cap off moisture by absorbing into the top layer of the concrete. When the first coating cures it has become part of the concrete. This virtually eliminates moisture vapor from the possibility of causing moisture damage to cabinets or rusting tools and supplies in your garage. The air quality is high and very dry.
Many home owners in Colorado are remodeling their garage like this one here. The garage in most homes is the most used entry into the home.